Table of Contents:
- Holdings
- Catalogue
The tool used for searching through the library's catalogue on the web is MEIGA Project, owned by Dirección Xeral de Promoción Cultural de la Consellería de Cultura e Deporte de la Xunta de Galicia.
The catalogue can be looked up online by clicking in the following link:
> Catalogue search
Users may gain access to this information through Alphabetic indexes, key words or exact sentences.
Search options by title, author, subjects, series, UDC, publishing or ISBN, considering the following:
Title: the article, its translations and the numbers are not arranged in alphabetical order, i.e. they have to be omitted.
Ex.: Surrealism [The]
Author: as such shall be considered the artists, curators, author of essays... and the search shall be made by surname.
Ex.: Bourgeois, LouiseSubject: always in Galician. The use of capital letters or accents do not affect to the search result. For additional information about one artist, his/her surname shall be stated "subject" so that the group catalogues in which he/she is present can be included.
Search results by alphabetical order
Over 10 results, one can access the next page by clicking on the numbers at the right upper side of the listing.
To find a book on the shelf, the guide will be the localization key word which is indicated in the result of the search and labelled on the upper right side of each shelf
Ex.: Localization: CAT.C/118 will be found on the shelf CAT.C (Group exhibitions catalogues), currens #118
Handbooks and artists catalogues will appear by alphabetical order