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Through this website, MARCO, Museo de arte contemporánea de Vigo, offers information about the museum and its activities, aimed to people interested in finding it practical, accessible, and up to date. If you think that some important information is missing or just would like to send us a suggestion, it will help us to keep on improving.

This website has been developed with Drupal, an open source platform of proved versatility, and we have made visualisation tests in most of today's web browsers, so you should not have any problem when surfing through it. In case of any difficulty, please contact us.


This web site was designed and developed based on the principles that make this medium an information resource available to anyone, by bringing its contents as closer as possible to people who present physical, intellectual or technical disabilities.

By complying with the checkpoints acknowledged in the "Web Content Accessibility Guideline" by the W3C Web Accessibility Recommendation, and further national specific regulations like UNE 139803:2004, the highest level of equality is guaranteed in the process of access to information included in the web site.

Therefore, all different sections in this site are optimized for their proper processing through assistance programs for people with visual, disabilities, by including the corresponding link labeling, in order to allow language identification at the level of content, and making proper use of the style sheets for page format.

In addition, keyboard shortcuts were included for users who cannot employ a pointing device. They can select the links in the main menu by clicking the "control" or "command" keys in the keyboard and the following corresponding shortcut accesskey simultaneously:

1 Home MARCO

2 Exhibitions Section

3 Education Section

4 Activities Section

5 Library Section

6 Publications Section

7 Friends of MARCO Section

8 Visits

9 Services

0 Contact

? Web Guide

Shortcuts (Accesskey)

For people who prefer or need to navigate using the keyboard, shortcut accesskeys to the main options are available.

The use shall depend on your browser and your operating system:

* INTERNET EXPLORER: Alt + accesskey + Enter

* NETSCAPE: Alt + accesskey

* MOZILLA FIREFOX: Alt + accesskey

* MOZILLA FIREFOX from version 2.0: Alt + Capital + t accesskey

* OPERA: Cap + Scape + accesskey

These are the accesskeys:

S: Skip navigation

1: Home

2: Exhibitions

3: Education

4: Activities

5: Library

6: Publications

7: Friends of MARCO

8: Visits

9: Contact

0: Web guide

Furthermore, the written compliance with the HTML standards specified by W3C was a constant priority regarding the design and development of the platform supporting the web site. This guarantees the right validation of the code and therefore its proper visualization with the browsers considered by said standards.