The MARCO Foundation
On the 22nd of October 2002 representatives from Vigo City council, the banking entity Caixanova, Xunta de Galicia (Galician autonomous government) and the County Council of Pontevedra create MARCO Foundation, a legal body under the jurisdiction (auspices) of the Foundation Services of the Xunta de Galicia to direct and finance the museum's activities. This corporate model, based on dialogue and a proven continuity with the cultural and social labour on behalf of MARCO, has become an excellent example of institutional collaboration.On the 11th of January 2006, the Spanish Ministry of Culture decided to give its support to the Museum of Contemporary Art of Vigo.
MARCO Foundation
- Vigo City Council
- Xunta de Galicia
- Spanish Ministry of Culture
Board of Trustees
Abel Caballero Álvarez
Board Members
Gorka Gómez Díaz
María Carmen Lago Barreiro
Anxo Manuel Lorenzo Suárez
José Miguel Martín Peña
Ana Martínez Piñeiro
Cayetano Rodríguez Escudero
Mercedes Roldán Sánchez
Miguel Fernández-Cid